1 of 10 Vishnu avatar: Rama/Ram (7th Avatar)
(Source: https://divineinfoguru.com/slokas-mantras/devotional-slokas-songs-mp3/kalyana-rama-lord-rama-songs/ ) Greeting everyone! Today, I came with a bit out of the topic about Achaeology. I studied about Arts history last Tuesday and I started to worked on my blog quite late. Normally, I will finished my blog after class but last 2 weeks past I was so busy doing my university work and taking care of the household. I have no time to relax myself at all. Luckily that I still have time to sleep. Today's topic is about Arts history and I was studying about one of my favourite myth. Last lesson we studied about Trimurti or you may known as Trinity gods of Hindu, Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. My group got a topic about 10 avatars of Vishnu and we need to choose one of the tenth to write about his story. I chose his 7th avatar, Rama or Ram from the legend Ramayana and I really love this story. By the way, in this post I will write the information i...