Travelling: Borobudur Temple, Indonesia
Source: Hello, everyone. This is going to be my last post for this semester. Thank you to all of you who came to visited. My today's topic is about Indonesian Arts, I'm just picked t he archaeological attraction that I studied from last lesson. Today, we are going to talk about Borobudur Temple. Borobudur Temple is located in the central part of Java, about 40 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta. There was built between the years 1293 - 1393 as a place of worship of Mahayana Buddhism. In 1991, UNESCO declared Borobudur a World Heritage Site. It is an architecture influenced by Mahayana Buddhism with the ancient and faith of the Javanese people in the history of the Shailendra reign. Borobudur is made of andesite stone, which is a huge volcanic rock, approximately 15 meters high, outside is a lotus shape, which symbolizes Buddhism. As evidenced by history, the Borobud...